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Second spring

My schedule has been a bit busy, and it looks like next week will be equally challenging. This is my reward for taking about two more courses than I need to be taking. Technically, I'm only in four courses (the minimum), but I'm also auditing a fifth and informally taking a sixth. You're probably wondering what I mean when I say "informally taking" a course, so I'll tell you. The sixth course is E-Commerce Strategy, which is usually offered in the spring, but isn't being offered this year since Professor Fiona Scott Morton, who teaches the class, has already taught three classes this year and three last year, well above the one course a year requirement. I could see how she could use a break! Since the class isn't being offered, a handful of us are going through all the course material this semester and also meeting weekly with the professor to discuss the points that are usually taught in class. So basically we get the content of the course, access to the professor, and no case write-ups or exams. Good times! (if you don't mind the extra reading) The other things that have been keeping me busy have been hanging out a good friend of mine from college who has recently moved into the area, doing my usual extra-curriculars here at SOM, volunteering at Food For Thought, and a lot of quality time procrastinating on Facebook. It's hard to believe that it's already our last semester here at SOM. The other day I looked around and thought about how at this time next year the first year class will be in the same position as us. It was then that I realized how fast our time here really is. Only eight more weeks of class, and only about 100 days left on my lease here in New Haven. Where has the time gone?