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Final Sprint

I love new year’s eve. That time of the year when you start thinking about everything you’ve achieved, how many new places you visited, how much time did you get to spend with your loved ones and even sometimes how much you didn’t. If it wasn’t that much of a good year, it then becomes the perfect opportunity for a brand new start. If it was, we can only make the new one be even better, because at the end it always comes down to us and how we want this new year to be.

When I began my high school studies,  I started a tradition in which through the whole year I would have a board in my bedroom on which I would post everything good that happened to me. A great night out with my girlfriends,  a post-it reminding me of what a great day I had at work, roses, movie tickets and anything you could imagine. Yes, everything.  Then, on the night of New Year’s eve I always took off the things on the board and placed them in a little box in order to start from scratch the new year.  I stopped doing this a couple of years ago,  “I didn’t have time” anymore,  but this year I’ll start again, as it turns out I don’t have the great memory I thought I had and I definitely don’t want to forget all the amazing things that life has for us each year.

For both second years and MAMs, this year will be definitely one we’ll never forget, guaranteed. This is the year we will all graduate from Yale School of Management, which for most of us is a dream come true.  While this is something we are all looking forward to, it also means that we only have five months left to do it all.  Making the most out of our experience will not be an easy task, but hey, that’s why we take so many strategy courses, right? So let’s plan, analyze where you want to be by the end of this semester, what you want to take out of Yale and then,  go for it.  Laugh, learn, dance, live and cry. Fall, now get up. Grow.  This is our time, this is your final sprint. 

As for the second half of the year goes, a new life begins. A lot of new going on this year. New jobs, new friends, new life, new everything! Embrace it, prepare yourself and enjoy the ride.