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News in Systemic Risk: Friday, December 9, 2016 (10 a.m. ET)

Republicans Explore Budget Maneuver to Chip Away at Dodd-Frank - Reconciliation would let GOP senators tweak 2010 law with simple majority, meaning no Democrats would need to sign on to changes (WSJ)

Banks to Donald Trump: Don’t Kill Dodd-Frank - While banks favor a paring back of regulation, they tend to think in practical terms, rather than ideologically (WSJ)

Fed Outlines Approach to Monitoring Fintech - Central bank looks to shape regulatory discussion; it is also in early stages of exploring digital version of dollar (WSJ)

Bank dividends: isn’t that special? - Generating excess capital is hard, as is giving it back to shareholders (Financial Times)

Emerging market banks in worse health than during financial crisis - A third at risk of credit rating downgrade at end of Q3 (Financial Times)

ETFs: everywhere but not yet a systemic risk - Odd conduct of funds focused on gold mining highlight case for regulatory review (Financial Times)

Designing stress test scenarios – developing doomsday (Bank of England’s Bank Underground Blog)

BIS:  Basel Committee completes reviews of all its members' risk-based capital frameworks

BIS:  Assessing consistency of implementation of Basel standards

ECB Working Paper:  Determinants of sub-sovereign bond yield spreads: the role of fiscal fundamentals and federal bailout expectations